Why clean eating?

What exactly does clean eating mean?  For my family it means trying to eat out less, cooking from scratch more and when I do use packaged foods, making sure they contain as many pure ingredients as possible.  I try not to use bread with processed flour in it, opting for sprouted flours instead (such a Ezekiel Bread).  I bread chicken nuggets in almond or coconut flour rather than traditional all purpose flour.   We have tried to eliminate all spices and condiments that contain anything other than organic spices.  For example my Garlic & Herb Spice Blend from WildTree is just that, organic garlic, parsley, dill, and basil, that's it -- no maltodextrin, not nitrates/nitrites, or artificial colors/additives.  
So what chemicals should we be trying to avoid the most?  According to an article by Harvard Medical School's Harvard Health Blog some of the major chemicals to avoid (especially for children) are: 
  • Bisphenols, such as BPA. They can act like the hormone estrogen and interfere with puberty and fertility. Bisphenols can also increase body fat, and cause problems with the immune system and nervous system. They are found in the lining of food and soda cans, plastics with the number 3 or 7, and cash register receipts, among other places. They used to be found in plastic baby bottles and sippy cups; while this has been banned, older bottles and cups may still contain them.
  • Phthalates. These can also act like hormones, interfering with male genital development, and can increase the risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease. They are ubiquitous, found not just in plastic packaging, garden hoses, and inflatable toys, but also in things like nail polish, hairsprays, lotions, and fragrances.
  • Perfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFCs). They can lead to low-birthweight babies, as well as problems with the immune system, the thyroid, and fertility. They are commonly found in grease-proof paper, cardboard packaging, and commercial household products such as water-repellent fabric and nonstick pans, among other places.
  • Perchlorate. This chemical also interferes with thyroid function, and can disrupt early brain development. It’s found in some dry food packaging — it’s used to decrease static electricity — and sometimes in drinking water.
  • Artificial food colors. These have been found to increase symptoms in children who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. They are found in all sorts of food products, but especially those marketed for children.
  • Nitrates and nitrites. These can interfere with the thyroid, as well as with the blood’s ability to deliver oxygen to the body. They can also increase the risk of certain cancers. They are used to preserve food and enhance its color. They are commonly found in processed foods, especially meats.
I know there is so many more chemicals to avoid and so much more I have to learn about clean eating, but I like the start we have here and just keep reminding myself that everything is a work in progress.   Next week I will write a little more about what companies we use and programs I follow to help with this journey.